After 4 weeks of hell of hurting my lower back and not being able to move or do much of anything, today I feel a bit better after 2 days on prednisone. Why did I not do this sooner. I tried the natural way first. I do not like to take prescribtion drugs. So I gave everything a try, chiropractic care (which did keep me aligned), Accupunture helped for 3 days out of the four weeks, stretching and yoga did help elevate the pain for an hour or two. I guess the inflammation was just too bad for me to heal so when I found out my mom is now battleing breast cancer I gave into taking the prednisone so I can be there for her.
We just resigned our lease for a year and the day after I heard this pop in my lower left side of my back. And I knew, this pop was farmiliar to me, since it happen before. When it happen in the past a few extra appointments at the chiropractor helped and with in 2-3 weeks I was fine. I guess this time was the last straw for that spot. So next week I am going for an MRI to see why this keeps happening.
So it has been about 4 weeks since I have been to our NYC apartment and this weekend I will attempted one night at least to see the views I miss so much!